Saturday, February 27, 2010

Less of Alice Pics

This journey is awesome! I really feel like, in my head, I will always see myself as a big girl. I look at these two pictures and I say wow, maybe I am not as big as I think I am! That is a pretty cool thing. A co-worker had mentioned earlier this week that I really need to put up a new pic of me on here because she had noticed a big change in the last week. I guess when you are on the inside, you just don't notice as much.

Another a-ha I have had lately is that there are certain people in my life who will be great big supports on this journey and some people who really just could care less! I just have to laugh when I hear weird remarks from a friend when I announce another milestone. This week it was the fact that I could actually fit into the real holes in a belt that I had bought in Vegas back in Fall. Said friend said: "Why would you buy something that doesn't fit?" I still am in awe at people who always have a negative thing to say no matter what they just heard. I have noticed that I have been keeping the big supports close and the non-supports on the outskirts. I am not saying that I know who are my real friends in all of this but I am saying that I know who I need to keep close to me in order to be successful and those who don't get to have the privilege of seeing me around very much during my journey, as sad as that may be. I really have found that I really need to make me first during this even if that may seem to other people that I am being selfish. What they think is not what is important to my success.

Well, off to find my motivation to get on the exercise bike or go for a walk!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Down 2.8 to a total of 15

I continue to roll along on the journey to my goal weight. (That weight being some number that I have not completely decided upon yet.)

One of the things that I find challenging about the journey is all the food that is offered at work. Tonight was a great example while we had Parent Teacher Conferences. I was not only dreading my 12 hour plus work day but also all the food that was tempting to me all day. Two different occasions included donuts, which are one of my biggest weaknesses. I had half of one of the best donuts on the planet that are from Provo Bakery, but I am pretty proud of myself that I had self-restraint when it came to the donuts.

I am also proud of myself because instead of eating the "healthy" salad that would have been mine for free for dinner and would have cost me more than half of my daily points, I went and bought myself sushi. Man, do I love sushi. Sorry to those of you that dislike sushi. Mainly, I feel sorry for you because you miss out on a fabulous and healthy food! Sushi is awesome because I can eat a heck of a lot of it and not feel guilty. It is also very good at cleaning out my system. Not that you really wanted to know that gory detail of my life.

I am getting better at making healthier choices and being able to tell people no. Avoiding certain situations, like the free food tables that seem to be located at every corner in my workplace, gets easier the more I do it.

It is also nice to know that I can have some donut sometimes! It makes my life a little bit easier and nicer.

Well, it is one in the morning and I should be sleeping. Good thing I am giving a test in my Health classes tomorrow. Cheers and thanks for reading.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Am A Runner

Just a little note to tell the world, or my one reader, that I love running. I took the week off in order to let my shin splints heal and running on the treadmill last night was awesome. I love it. I really think the splints were due to overuse while loving the sun in Vegas. Silly! Well that is it. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Milestone.

I have two pairs of "skinny" jeans. It was a big deal to get back into my first pair which happened a few weeks ago. Then Friday of this past week, I tried the other pair on thinking that I really wouldn't quite fit into them just yet. Well, they fit. It was awesome. I wore them to work on Friday and it felt way good! It is also awesome that my first pair is looking a bit loose. Nice.

Sometimes it is frustrating because some of my clothes don't fit. Like my awesome denim skirt that has the embroidered flowers on the bottom. It is awesome but I think in a few weeks, I won't be able to wear it anymore without looking too frumpy. I also have only about two skirts that fit right now, so church clothes may have to be bought in the next few weeks. That isn't a bad thing though, I do have to admit. These are great things. I just have to remember that I am going to continue to get smaller so I must not go overboard when I buy new clothes. Just a few things will be good seeing they are temporary things. I think thrift store shopping may be in order!

Life is good!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What Happens in Vegas...

....doesn't necessarily stay there. I totally ate and ate and ate some more while in Vegas. I was totally convinced that I had gained 4 pounds(my scale at home told me that this morning.). I was totally going to use my "do no weigh me today card"(that is not it's official name) but my wonderful leader told me to do it and said: "It is just for feedback." I was pleasantly surprised when I had actually still lost a little weight. (.8 of a pound to be exact) This week is now going to be a time of getting back on track and staying there. I did learn a lot from this...being on vacation is hard and that I am normal and sometimes will get off the horse. That does not mean the horse is unsucessful or just means I have to brush myself off and get back on it!

Enjoy the pic of me and Oliver from the weekend. He is such a sweetheart. It was hard to leave him yesterday. I like his family too! :) I love this pic because it makes my chin look chiseled. I can see a little bit of progress there! :)

The shin splints are killing me. I decided to take the week off of running and to do other exercise. It makes me sad to not be able to run and get ready for my 5K but I need to take care of myself. This is a journey...not a race!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Shin Splints are from Hell.

Just thought you should know. Any suggestions on how to make them go away so I can be running again? It has made me so sad to not be able to run while there is amazingly beautiful and warm weather here in Vegas.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sunny Vegas!

I do believe that running is easier is warmer weather. I also do believe that I like running in Vegas because it is not only warm but because it is beautiful. I had a great run yesterday. I am a little sore but I think it is a good sore! It is going to be very hard to get back to Utah because of how beautiful the weather is here right now!

I was so happy to eat at Dickey's BBQ last night that I am not feeling guilty for going over my points by 4 points. It was yummy! Just like Derek said last night, it is just a will not destroy your goals! I needed to hear that. Sometimes it is hard to let go of the analness of keeping within my points. I have to start to realize that I have to enjoy eating or this won't work. I also need to start doing a little better at getting more healthy things into my diet. I am struggling with that lately!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Seeing I am up...

Well, today was a good day. I got a fun walk in with Shule. Let me tell you a little bit about Shule. Shule is an English teacher at my school. She is one of the most positive people you will ever meet. She works out with me most days of the week. We have a standing date at 5pm each day. Mondays is the Dreadmill. Tuesday is lifting weights. Wednesday is walking. Thursday is Cardio Kickboxing. Friday is sports, usually racquetball.

I do not think I would be doing as well on this journey without Shule's positive attitude and encouragement. She is my rock when I am weak. She motivates me with such sayings as: "Way to go Alice. I knew you could do it, Those shorts are looking loose on you, and You are a runner!" Thanks Shule.

We were talking about taking care of yourself at my Weight Watchers meeting on Tuesday. It was totally something I needed to hear because lately I have been thinking about how consumed I am with myself and I actually had started to think I was being selfish. This is not true. I think this is one of the first times in my life where I actually have put me first. I tend to always worry about others' needs before I worry about my own needs. I think it has been healthy for me to find some more balance in this area of my life. It isn't selfish to worry about yourself. You must do things for you or you never can help others!

I don't know if this post makes sense. I am up much too late.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

5% less of Alice!

Hi all. I met my first weight goal today as I weighed in. I have officially lost 11 lbs. which is 5% of my starting weight. How cool is that. I think I am going to know introduce myself as 95% Alice. (But I still feel like 100% of Alice). It was a good feeling to meet this goal. It makes me want to keep going. I like the sense of reaching a goal. Funny thing is that I was totally thinking that I would not have lost any weight this week. I feel bloated and fat. Good stuff, eh? I also didn't think I would reach this first weight goal until next Tuesday because I have been only losing one pound a week the past couple of weeks. This week I was pleasantly surprised with the whole losing two pounds!

On another note...I have been enjoying my little running program. I thought about this as I was traveling to the DREADmill this evening. I totally was thinking in my mind: "I actually want to go run tonight...that is weird!" Even though it is sometimes hard DURING running, I totally look forward to it. I also look forward to the after when I feel good and see results. I am totally into this whole mind over body thing! I also find it extrememly weird that I am so excited to go to Vegas this weekend and partly this is because I get to run in the WARM. Weird. I am excited to RUN on vacation? Who is this girl? I do have to say, I like her. Smaller and all!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Post About Cardio Kickboxing.

Dear Cardio Kickboxing:

I loathe thee. You make me hurt. I get very sore after I visit with you for an hour. I also do not like that I feel lightheaded in the beginning of every session with you. Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you?


OK: that is a little too much. Here is a different spin on the same experience.

Dear Cardio Kickboxing:

Thank you so much for litterally kicking my butt. Even though during my exercise time with you I often feel like I am going to die, I love how you make me feel afterward. I feel like I can do anything and that is awesome. I love how you make my body more flexible and strong and how you also give me more energy. Sometimes I even wish that you didn't only come around once a week.

Thanks for all you do and see you next Thursday.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Down another 1.2 for a total of 9.2

The weight loss is coming right along. I didn't get time to take pictures tonight because I was totally distracted by Groundhog Day. What a fab movie! I hope your Groundhog Day was filled with much adventure and you were not scared by your own shadow. Cheers.