Thursday, July 14, 2011

Not as bad as I thought

I weighed in today and had only gained 1.4 pounds in the two weeks of crazy eat like a maniac times! That is much better than when I had stepped on the scale a few days ago and thought it had read 178 which is way out of my range for Lifetime Membership at Weight Watchers.

That had me pretty paniced(see previous post). But I also think panicing sometimes can be an okay thing because then we are motivated to do better, right? I really need to get off this "it is ok to go over by a few points" mentality. If I do that everyday, I will gain weight. I do think that I can do this on occasion though, which is probably why my little head finds it okay at times. Silly Alice!

It was very nice to get back to a meeting. Today they talked about what you can do to fruits and veggies to make nice snacks. My mouth was watering. I love that mellons and berries are in season right now. I am constantly eating fruit! :)Good stuff!

Well, I am back on the tracking wagon and doing better! :)

Friday, July 8, 2011


Alice has been on vacation for the past week and a half and that has not been good for her journey. Alice has gained four pounds. Alice has not gotten to a Weight Watchers meeting for two weeks. Alice feels lost. Alice overeats just because. Alice needs help. Write her a comment encouraging her to get it together. Alice thanks you.