Monday, July 23, 2012

A Run in the Sun

Hi. I decided while out on my run that I would come back, stretch and then post in here.

I used to blog on a running blog but have recently been debating my life as a runner. I love running. It truly has a drug effect on my brain and has really helped me get into shape. The unfortunate thing about running is that it is very hard on my knee(an old war injury from my rugby days at Utah State.). See, I like running races because it really helps me focus my training. When you have a race coming up, you train more out of fear that you will die or be publicly humiliated(lots of people show up for those races!). And running against the clock is a thrill and great goal. I am great at 5 kilometer races(3.1 miles). My knee doesn't complain and I can train. I, at, one time wanted to run a 10k and started to train. The knee hated me. I got in a rut and have just been a running for the sake of running and to burn calories. It is nice not to track distance or pace and I am happy with just being a non-racing runner. So, long story short, to save the knee and not get bored, I am now a cross trainer. Hiking, biking, an occasional(2 times per week) run, and walking are the new modes of calorie burning. The running blog seems obsolete these days, so on occasion, I will be writing about my training on here. It's a way to keep track of my activity and make it that I blog more.

I now gage runs based not on miles and pace but on sprinklers and water fountains. Today was a pretty nice run with three sprinklers and two and a half water fountains(one had poor pressure). The sprinklers this time of year are divine. It is too hot here in Utah for this Wisconsin girl and running through sprinklers not only makes me feel like a kid again, but it cools me off!! I also got out on the run a little late because I miss judged time on my weight watchers meeting which makes for warmer runs. I still got myself out there though which is a win.

I had to pay again this week to attend the meeting but I still went. It' totally worth ten bucks to get back on track. My friends and I are having a tracking challenge this week. If you fail, you buy movie tickets for everybody next week (summer brings a weekly movie escapade).

Having a support group is highly important. Knowing other people are in the same situation as am is confronting and motivating. I know I wouldn't be as successful without my supports. I also wouldn't be as successful without weekly check ins/meetings. (As was apparent by the last three weeks and my weight gain.)

Two goals for this week:
1. Get back to my goal weight and not have to pay for Weight Watchers next week.
2. Track all I eat and their PointsPlus Values on paper.

Here is an experiment. Who is reading this blog these days? I am curious like George. I ask that you leave a comment on this post. What is your goal this week? Thanks for participating! Cheers.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Oh boy.

The past three weeks have been a roller coaster. Getting married is a whole new kind of adventure. Stress was a huge thing before and the celebrations seemed never ending after. Mix that all with vacationing in Wisconsin and it was a deadly combination for being off track with my eating.

I expected that though and to be completely honest, I let loose. I didn't keep track of what I was eating and I ate what I wanted. The seven pounds gained is the consequence to that choice. I fully take responsibility and can't complain about the extra work I now need to do in order to get to my new goal (and the money I will have to pay to Weight Watchers tomorrow night.).

Life is always going to happen and there are going to be many times when I let loose and have to refocus later. This is the journey that I always talk about. I will always have food issues and will always need to be conscious of them. I also feel that sometimes I will need to have some time where I am flexible and can celebrate and not keep track of food. The most important thing is that I come back on track. That is what it is all about. We all make mistakes and we all need to refocus sometimes. If we realize that and don't give up, we can and will be successful in our weight journey!

So, here is to flexibility and here is to refocusing. Go team!