Thursday, August 4, 2011

Whew and a list...

Hi guys. I don't write on here nearly enough. Especially, because I really think I should write a book about my story. It really is a story of triumph. Anyway, I weighed in today and was a little scared, it being the first weigh in of the month. Meaning, if I am over my goal weight by two pounds, then I pay. Well, apparently all my worrying and being very on top of what I was eating paid off because I actually have lost two pounds since last week(maybe wearing lighter clothes helped a little, just sayin'). I had been playing too much the past two weeks and had gained four pounds.

Anyway, my friend has asked me to do a littler presentation at church about my journey. I have come up with a list of nine things that have made me successful at losing weight and for maintaining it the past few months. Here is the list, and I hope to round it out to a list of ten, but this is what I got right now:

1. Tracking all the food I eat and exercise I do.
2. Knowing it's a journey
3. Do not deprive yourself
4. Exercise
5. Drink lots of fluid
6. Veggies and fruit are your friend
7. Controlling my environment
8. Planning ahead
9. Having a support group

Any ideas about a good one for number ten? I am going to write a post about each of these so stay tuned! :)

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