I have now lost 23 pounds exactly and exactly 10% of my original body weight(I was glad that I actually lost the .8 I needed to make 10% today!). A big WOOT WOOT, please! It feels good. It feels real good.
Here are ten things I have learned while losing 10% of myself:
1. The portions we are used to as Americans are insane, simply insane compared to how much we are actually supposed to eat.
2. I can do anything I put my mind to. That really should be #1 but I am too lazy to change the order!
3. Exercise is amazing. It is so cool to see my body change and be able to do more and more work the more I train!
4. There are a million people who are great supports in the world and a few who don't support at all!
5. When I track what I eat, I lose weight. When I don't track, I easily get off track!
6. My body image is something that will take much longer to change than my actual body. I often walk past mirrors and ask myself: "Who is that?" I wonder if I will always see myself as "bigger?"
7. Weight Watchers smoothies are so very yummy but make me really, really cold in the mornings.
8. Sometimes a 4 point half of a donut from Provo Bakery is totally worth it!
9. I have learned what it really is like to feel hungry and I feel it a lot more often than I used to. It is cool.
10. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!!!!
Thanks for reading and being a part of this journey. It is a fun one.