I have two pairs of "skinny" jeans. It was a big deal to get back into my first pair which happened a few weeks ago. Then Friday of this past week, I tried the other pair on thinking that I really wouldn't quite fit into them just yet. Well, they fit. It was awesome. I wore them to work on Friday and it felt way good! It is also awesome that my first pair is looking a bit loose. Nice.
Sometimes it is frustrating because some of my clothes don't fit. Like my awesome denim skirt that has the embroidered flowers on the bottom. It is awesome but I think in a few weeks, I won't be able to wear it anymore without looking too frumpy. I also have only about two skirts that fit right now, so church clothes may have to be bought in the next few weeks. That isn't a bad thing though, I do have to admit. These are great things. I just have to remember that I am going to continue to get smaller so I must not go overboard when I buy new clothes. Just a few things will be good seeing they are temporary things. I think thrift store shopping may be in order!
Life is good!
Goodbye 2024
2 months ago
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