I have never been much of a goal person. This whole weight loss thingy has made a goal maker out of me. Granted, this is the only area in my life I am making goals, it is still good. Maybe it will catch on in other areas of my life.
Here are my next goals. I must also come up with some rewards for myself...any ideas?
1. Be under 200 pounds. That is only 3 pounds away but I think it is a big deal because I can not remember ever being under 200 pounds. I am sure I had to be at one time because I think it would have horribly uncomfortable for my mother to give birth to a 200 pounder.
2. 50 pounds by the end of summer. That doesn't mean I want to lose 50 this summer that means I want 20 pounds more by the end of summer. It is a good goal and completely possible!
So, there are my new goals.
My friend, who has recently joined on the journey to a lighter weight, was talking about being frustrated about only losing .4 last week. I know that a loss is a loss but sometimes it is hard when it slows. I was there a few weeks ago and it wasn't fun. I hope my advice helped her. It is fun to have support on this journey. It is awesome. Sometimes I don't feel like I know enough to help people but then I start talking and realize that I do know quite a bit and can help, even though I still doubt myself because I still feel like a rookie. It is fun to be learning and growing!
Goodbye 2024
2 months ago
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