Well, I made it through my first 5k. It was AMAZING. The most amazing part is I got less than 45 minutes. That was my goal going into the race. I figured I would take about 45 to finish based on my training. I didn't think I would have gotten the time I actually did get. I didn't realize that running with people would make me actually run faster and also walk less, but it did. I guess there is some sort of amazing adrenaline that pumps through your blood on race day. Funny how about oh two months ago I would think that people were crazy for running. I now realize why people hit the pavement a few times a week. They are getting set to race sometime. I guess there are runners who never race but I also realize why they do it too...they love the feeling they get during and after running. I am beginning to think running is a drug!
It was fun to run in this race because our JROTC students were in charge of keeping the runners on course so we got to talk to them as we past each checkpoint. There were also about five students from our school who ran. It was fun to cheer them on both the ones who kicked our butts and the ones who struggled behind us. My coach, Shule, even stopped and helped a girl when she was puking. I couldn't stop because I would have lost my breakfast too!
The plans are to run another 5k on May 1st. It is going to be fun. I don't think I will ever get too competitive but it is fun to run against myself. I now have a time to beat!
I also was so hungry last night. It was nice to go to Applebees and get stuffed with my friends as we celebrated my birthday. Yep, this girl turns 33 on Monday. I am planning on enjoying a day of quiet and movies. Sleeping in is the most important activity. Should be fun. Be sure to check out my regular blog to hear the inspiring story of another racer from yesterday. I don't really want to type it twice! :)
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