Greetings from Wisconsin. I actually was pleasantly surprised with my meeting in Rhinelander today. Not only because I lost another .6 of a pound, but because the leader and members were nice. I was a little worried that I would hate the leader but that isn't the case(although, she isn't Marion! :).
It is interesting being in a different place with a different set of people to train. Not that I have to do a major amount of training, but I have already had one hard moment when it came to food. I was hungry and cranky and my family was indecisive when it came to where we were going. I really wanted Applebee's because it would offer me the safest chance to stay within my points for that day. Well, my niece and her friend, didn't want to go. Later on, I realized that Rebecca had never been there and new places are always hard for her. She had a little meltdown because she was not familiar with the menu, but we got through it! I was glad that we went there, even though I did not have what I had expected to have. I am not even going to look up how much the burger sliders are in points!
I also had to do a little training for my mother because she is sensitive about what I can and can't eat. I have to remind her that I can eat whatever the hell(I just had to use hell know for emphasis) I want to, I just have to plan and budget for it. Like today, a friend wants to meet at Culver's for dinner before a baseball game and I am totally okay with it because I can eat a butter burger with fries and still be within my points for the day because I have planned for it. The spur of the moment stuff doesn't work.
A week from today I fly to London. I am a little excited for it but a little concerned about food. Luckily, my awesome Aunt Cindy will be along and she is doing the plan so I am banking on her helping make good food choices. I also realize that I want to live it up a little and will be eating fish and chips a few times. I think realizing that life happens is also important for this journey. I think having European treats is going to be important because this doesn't happen for me all the time. It is exciting.
It has been fun to be home and have all the people who haven't seen me in a few months see what I look like now. It feels good to have all the compliments and it really helps me to keep focused on my goals! I thought I might get below the 200 lbs. mark today but I am about .4 shy. It will come. I am not too concerned. It will be nice to know I am in the 100 and something range for the first time in decades!
Goodbye 2024
2 months ago
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