Hi all. I met my first weight goal today as I weighed in. I have officially lost 11 lbs. which is 5% of my starting weight. How cool is that. I think I am going to know introduce myself as 95% Alice. (But I still feel like 100% of Alice). It was a good feeling to meet this goal. It makes me want to keep going. I like the sense of reaching a goal. Funny thing is that I was totally thinking that I would not have lost any weight this week. I feel bloated and fat. Good stuff, eh? I also didn't think I would reach this first weight goal until next Tuesday because I have been only losing one pound a week the past couple of weeks. This week I was pleasantly surprised with the whole losing two pounds!
On another note...I have been enjoying my little running program. I thought about this as I was traveling to the DREADmill this evening. I totally was thinking in my mind: "I actually want to go run tonight...that is weird!" Even though it is sometimes hard DURING running, I totally look forward to it. I also look forward to the after when I feel good and see results. I am totally into this whole mind over body thing! I also find it extrememly weird that I am so excited to go to Vegas this weekend and partly this is because I get to run in the WARM. Weird. I am excited to RUN on vacation? Who is this girl? I do have to say, I like her. Smaller and all!
Goodbye 2024
2 months ago
I am so, so impressed! I haven't lost a single pound, but I haven't gained any either, so I guess that's saying something. :-) Have a super fabulous fun time in Vegas!