Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Journey Rolls On...

Quote of the day:  "There is a fat girl inside of me and I never feed her!"

I haven't been writing on here much. I think I am going to commit to writing at least once a week. I think meeting night for Weight Watchers is appropriate, don't you? 

Tonight we talked about positive self talk. Seriously, this is needed to be successful in losing weight and in life in general. Nobody likes Negative Nelly(even ourselves!)! When we choose(and it is a choice) to be positive, we really can do anything. My mantra has always been: "I can do hard things." I find that when I say this, I really can do anything. Does this mean it is always easy to do hard things. Hell Heck no. But it is possible. Lately I have been thinking that we often limit ourselves because we label things as "impossible." We often think that because it is hard, we should just give up because it is easier to do so! What a silly way to live and to think. Sure, life is hard sometimes, but seriously, I am learning that nothing is impossible.

 One of my friends didn't come to our meeting tonight because she isn't following the plan and isn't writing everything down that she eats. Doesn't that seem just a little silly? It is like missing your exit to Provo, Utah while traveling south on I-15 and just continuing onward to Vegas because you made a mistake. No, silly, you turn that puppy around in Springville and recalculate. I know that if I don't get to my weekly meeting, I won't be successful. These meetings are my anchor and support. The end.

 I am thinking of becoming a Weight Watchers leader. That means I have to lose 8 pounds. Think I can do it?



  1. You should become a leader. I think you are awesome! I was in the meeting you were in with Marion. I am still struggling with the up and down thing, but you are amazing and a great example to me.

  2. Thanks anonymous. I don't know who you are, but you made my day. I am thinking of becoming a leader. Need to lose a bit more and get my act together. You keep up the good work and remember it is a journey. The destination is Heath. Keep on truckin'
