I have known all along that this whole weight loss thing was a journey. I always had it in the back of my mind that I was going to go slow and I didn't have to lose quickly. I was on a path and I was determined to enjoy the journey. I experienced amazing success during the eleven months journey.
The funny thing about this whole experience is that once I hit that goal weight, I almost felt as if my journey was over. That goal weight was always my end point and what I was focused on and heading toward. So, really, mentally I was thinking that the journey was to a certain number of pounds. In reality, this didn't hold true. The whole goal should have been: "I am going to get to a healthy weight and then maintain it FOREVER."
Maintenance is a whole new journey. For some reason, it is a whole lot harder than I had ever imagined. I am totally still in my weight range and have been maintaining for about two months, but it still is a whole lot of work. I HAVE to keep doing exactly what I was doing before to lose weight but now the focus is to maintain. I attend my weekly Weight Watchers meeting, I track everything I eat, I track what activity I am doing, and I work hard to curb my never ending urge to eat the world's supply of chocolate and french fries. I have not reached the end of my journey, just a little milestone or mile marker on the road trip. (Don't you love the travel analogy here?)
I can totally see why people stop and start gaining all the weight back they lost back. I think it is natural to think that you reached the end of the journey. The problem lies in the fact that if you are a foodaholic, then you will always be one. It is very similar to being an alcoholic. You can overcome the addiction and rehab, but the temptation will always be there. You must constantly work to deal with that temptation in order to remain sober or in a foodaholic's case: skinny. I think a food addition is even harder because you really do have to eat in order to survive(sometimes I actually go to bed with the thought that I need to sleep so I can wake up and eat again. Silly!). With drinking you can avoid the bars and never buy the stuff for at home. I tell people all the time that I go to WW instead of AA.
Those candy bars are still my problem. I was thinking about them today. I just need to manage them better. It is okay to eat them on occasion but I definitely shouldn't be having them everyday. I had some today and yesterday. I like chocolate, but I do not like it enough to constantly be overeating. I like my new jeans and clothes. They keep me focused now!
Goodbye 2024
2 months ago
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