I keep telling myself that I am a runner. I am determined that I will run that 5k in March. I think you have to be a runner to run 3 miles in a row, right?
Seeing I want to be a runner, I decided to buy some running shoes. I got a smokin' hot deal on them at Big Five Sports. They are 100 dollar shoes and were on sale for 50. When I was checking out, I was pleasantly surprised that they rang up as 40 because of a 25% off the sale price deal they were having. So my awesome new running shoes were 40 bucks.
I didn't know how cool they truly were until I got them home and found a brochure in the bottom of the box for nikeplus.com. My shoes are actually magic shoes. They have a place where you can put a sensor that sends information to an iPod. The information is all about your speed, how far you have ran, your mile pace and how long you have been running. I was excited. Then I bought the sensor, and was not excited because my iPod Touch, because it is a first generation, does not work with the Nikeplus. Rude huh(stupid Steve Jobs!)? Well, I was about to give up, when I had a great idea. I would buy a cheap Nano online seeing that all Nano models work with the system. I found one for 35 bucks last night and drove up to Sandy to buy it. I was a little worried about the new purchase when it ran out of battery fast. I have now charged it three times and it seems that it just needed a real good charge(like a three hour one) in order to get about two hours of playback. I figure that will be enough for my running purposes. What a fiasco to get the system up and running! And now those 40 dollar shoes have turned into a 100 dollar idea!
I knew I had to get this up and running because I am a gadget girl and having this technology that tracks my runs will give me even more motivation to be running. I am not sure if it will work on a treadmill but I will get back to you tomorrow. I have a feeling it won't seeing I won't be moving places.
This week I run 90 seconds and walk 2 minutes for 20 total minutes. I thought that it might be hard to run 90 seconds at the end of my 60 seconds on Friday. I hope my body is ready. Slow and steady wins the race, right?