Hi all.
October 16th is approaching and I am no where near that goal I posted recently. This girl has a new goal and that is to be at 168 by Thanksgiving.
Weight Watchers does a 8 weeks until Thanksgiving program where they basically say, "Hey, you could be at a reasonable goal by Thanksgiving." I thought I would give it a try.
I have learned that I have a problem with limiting myself. Especially when it comes to yogurt toppings. So, I just am taking that off the deal, and planning for these treats.
The new goal has me tracking everything I eat, before I eat it. I also am paper tracking. That means writing it down without the help of the smart phone or web. I am more conscious when I do it. I am also journaling about obstacles and feelings. That adds to the process too.
I like to think of myself as an example of somebody who has met their goal but still struggles. Hey we all do. I used to look at skinny girls and just get angry and think they were blessed with some amazing metabolism. The truth is that lots of these "skinny" girls are very conscious of what goes in their bodies and they are also usually big exercisers. Life is about the calorie in-calorie out equation. It is just simple math. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. If you eat less calories than you burn, you will lose weight. Simple, yet so hard because the natural man just wants to eat whatever he wants without consequence. There is opposition in all things. Even food. Interesting, no?
Okay. Enough about this. I am off to change the world one teen at a time. Have a great turnaround Tuesday!
Goodbye 2024
2 months ago