Tuesday I became a Lifetime Member of Weight Watchers. This means I can attend meetings for free now. It also means that I can eat whatever I want. Just kidding. Okay so I really am not kidding...I have been eating whatever I want since on the plan. I can eat whatever I want as long as I practice portion control!
It feels good to make it to this goal. I also weighed in at noon before my work's big Christmas party so that the food I ate didn't ruin it for me. I still went to my regular meeting because my leader,
Marion, pretty much rocks and I wanted her to hand me my award. I wasn't so thrilled with the tiara she made me wear but it was all good.
My friend, Sharri, she is the one in the middle of the pic, bought me balloons and some "Life"savers and "Life" cereal. She is so clever and sweet. I am lucky to have great friends to be my supports. Both her and Jane(also in the pic) make it so I can do this and are great positive influences and inspirations. They are doing well on their weight loss journeys as well. Go us.
This isn't the end of my journey, but the beginning of a new part of the journey. I am still loving it and doing well. I am now back in Wisconsin for the holidays and I am doing my best to do well with eating. I will splurge here and there but I have the tools I need! (I also have my favorite gum, which will help!)
It's late; I'm tired. Night!