Hi. This is Alice again. Oh wait...is that why it says "Less of Alice" at the top of the page. Weird. I am in a majorly random mood. I really should get myself into bed because I have not been sleeping much these days; hence the randomness. I just thought I should write on here seeing it was weigh in day today and I haven't been much of a regular writer on here. Maybe if I write on here, I will be better at getting the pounds to come off. Lately, I am not losing as fast as I would like to be. That is fine but I really want to be done and get down to that goal weight. My leader said something totally true tonight. She said that it is hard right now because I feel really good and that the clothes fit well and that I am looking good in them. Totally true. I have noticed that I really like the size I am able to wear right now.
I really want to get back on the being good bandwagon though because lately I have been a little slack. I eat the things that I want a little too much. This causes gains some weeks. This week I was very happy with maintaining because I was certain that I was going to gain. I had a LOT of fun in Logan with a friend this past weekend. We ate out every meal for two days. That isn't so good for the whole wanting to be good thing. Another thing that is not good is cookies lately. I think this time of year people start to make cookies more. I do not bake much so when there are cookies around my stomach gets a little happy. Okay so maybe it is my tongue that gets happy. I also am a sucker for pumpkin chocolate chip cookies which have been popular lately. I am very nervous about pies because I love pie. I need to come up with a game plan for pie and Thanksgiving. I have already planned to run a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. That will be good to run on that day. In fact, running will be good any day, when I can start running again. November 10th is the magical day. (Maybe you didn't know, but I had my gallbladder removed about a month ago and have two weeks until I can be a runner again.)
Well, I guess the rambling has gone on long enough. I am committing to myself that I will write every Tuesday. These last five pounds better be documented!
P.S. I just looked at the first few posts on this blog and man, I have come a long way. It is good to be able to look at how far I have come and realize that I can keep on going! :)