Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So...Big Gulps, eh?

Me: Right Here. Right Now.

Hi. This is Alice again. Oh wait...is that why it says "Less of Alice" at the top of the page. Weird. I am in a majorly random mood. I really should get myself into bed because I have not been sleeping much these days; hence the randomness. I just thought I should write on here seeing it was weigh in day today and I haven't been much of a regular writer on here. Maybe if I write on here, I will be better at getting the pounds to come off. Lately, I am not losing as fast as I would like to be. That is fine but I really want to be done and get down to that goal weight. My leader said something totally true tonight. She said that it is hard right now because I feel really good and that the clothes fit well and that I am looking good in them. Totally true. I have noticed that I really like the size I am able to wear right now.

I really want to get back on the being good bandwagon though because lately I have been a little slack. I eat the things that I want a little too much. This causes gains some weeks. This week I was very happy with maintaining because I was certain that I was going to gain. I had a LOT of fun in Logan with a friend this past weekend. We ate out every meal for two days. That isn't so good for the whole wanting to be good thing. Another thing that is not good is cookies lately. I think this time of year people start to make cookies more. I do not bake much so when there are cookies around my stomach gets a little happy. Okay so maybe it is my tongue that gets happy. I also am a sucker for pumpkin chocolate chip cookies which have been popular lately. I am very nervous about pies because I love pie. I need to come up with a game plan for pie and Thanksgiving. I have already planned to run a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. That will be good to run on that day. In fact, running will be good any day, when I can start running again. November 10th is the magical day. (Maybe you didn't know, but I had my gallbladder removed about a month ago and have two weeks until I can be a runner again.)

Well, I guess the rambling has gone on long enough. I am committing to myself that I will write every Tuesday. These last five pounds better be documented!


P.S. I just looked at the first few posts on this blog and man, I have come a long way. It is good to be able to look at how far I have come and realize that I can keep on going! :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Back to It!

Who is that hottie? I had a hard time pealing myself away from the mirror last Friday. It was one of those days where I just had a good looking day! It felt good.

At weigh in today, I had lost about five pounds. This is about as much as I had gained the past two weeks. I was thrilled because I really wanted to be back to close to where I was pre-surgery.

I met with my surgeon today and he said I could slowly start getting more active. Next week I can start biking and then in about four weeks I can be running again. That makes me very excited because I miss running. Who thought I would be a runner and be excited about that kind of news? Awesome.

I am back to being about 8 pounds from goal weight. It is so close. I really wanted to be there before the end of October, but life happened! I will be in my maintainence phase before lifetime status during the holidays which may prove hard, but I guess it is supposed to be this way! It is a part of the journey!

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Rollercoaster of a Journey.

Life happens sometimes. Gallbladders decide to be diseased. This calls for some major action...like eating large fries not once but twice during the weekend. It may have also called for the big juicy glorious bacon cheeseburger at Astro Burger last Friday night. This may have caused the three pounds to be added to my weight. I am just saying. One thing I have learned lately about this weight loss journey is that sometimes you have to eat what you really really want to eat and you have to face the consequences of that decision later on.(Maybe I shouldn't call this a weight loss journey, but a lifestyle journey...this journey will not end when I get to my goal weight!) I really know I wouldn't have lasted on this plan without my weekly burger and fries.

I went in for surgery on Wednesday and am majorly bloated. I have the utmost respect for women who have babies because...man, this whole stretching of the stomach is not any fun. I am ready to have all the air out of my belly. I have gained 15 pounds since the surgery. Crazy huh? See how those three pounds were nothing? Seems like I am retaining quite a bit of water. I am weighing myself ever so often and am slowly getting rid of the liquid weight. What fun surgery is!

Well, I just took pain meds an better quit writing before they kick in. (although, I am sure it would be entertaining to read what I would write under the influence!)

Oh...and I made that crazy cool superhero cape for my WW leader. She is a hoot and shall now be referred to as "Matchstick Marion: Saving the world one recipe at a time." We joked about how we would start burning unhealthy recipies that people give us right in front of their faces...hilarious!